Couple charged with raping one-year-old

A Corentyne, Berbice couple, Kulip Latchminia and Mahesree Samaroo, were yesterday charged with the rape of a one-year old child.

Latchmania and Samaroo, who are a common-law husband and wife, appeared at the Whim Magistrate’s Court, where they were not required to plead to the indictable charge, which was read to them in-camera.

The particulars of the charge state that on January 24, last, at Portuguese Quarters, they engaged in sexual penetration with a child of the age of one year.

Mahesree Samaroo
Mahesree Samaroo

No relative of the child was present as no one responded to the calls of the court orderly.

However, attorney Kumar Doraisami, said he held the brief for his colleague Rodwell Jugmohan, who is appearing for the couple.

Kulip Latchminia
Kulip Latchminia

According to him, the defendants, who were never charged with any previous offence, were initially sent on station bail.

Magistrate Charlyn Artiga set bail at $100,000 each and adjourned the matter to February 29.

Meanwhile, Police Sergeant Bernard Brown expressed concern over the likelihood of witness tampering as the defendants live in close proximity to the virtual complainant.

Consequently, Magistrate Artiga ordered the defendants to lodge their respective passports. Additionally, the defendants were restrained from communicating with the victim or her relatives.

The assault on the child was reported after the mother observed that the baby’s private parts were bloodied. The discovery was made after the mother was unable comfort the crying child, who had previously been left in the care of the couple.