US pays the cost of visiting government leaders to the States

Dear Editor,

“Notably at the meeting, concerns were also raised about the cost on the taxpayers in Guyana for the Secret Service escort to the event.”

The foregoing is taken from an article on the visit to New York of Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo published in a recent issue of the Guyana Times. As far as I am aware the costs of Secret Service security for visiting government leaders are borne by the host government ‒the United States government.

Why would the Guyana Times publish such inaccurate and misleading information which a reporter could easily have checked either through a call to the US embassy or by visiting the google web site?

This article, as well as another recent misleading one about the stripping of responsibilities from the Prime Minister are a clear demonstration of poor journalism and the ethics of the profession. These two articles suggest an attempt by the Guyana Times to mislead and confuse in support of a political agenda. How unfortunate for a publication that dubs itself ‘the beacon of truth.’

Yours faithfully,

Wesley Kirton