Dear Editor,
For sometime now I have noticed that the PNCR has a new host for its Nation Watch programme. I thought at first it was a transition process, due to the resignation of Mr Sherwood Lowe. I am a supporter of this party and listen to this programme, so as to gain vital information on the party’s position on matters of importance. I am appalled at what this programme has now come to.
Is Nation Watch still the main public relations programme for the PNCR or is it Corbin’s Yes brigade talk show. I just finished watching the first ‘Nation Watch” programme for the year where the host was entertaining calls on VAT. How could the main opposition party of this country have someone host a call in segment on VAT who is completely ignorant of the subject? Mr. Corbin needs to tell his supporters what is really going on with the PNCR; we seem to be sinking into further despair.
The party’s supporters are hungry for information on VAT. We need intelligent persons on the subject to explain to us, your grassroots supporters, what’s happening. We cannot depend on the government or GRA to give us information and it’s worse when you cannot get that information from your political leaders. It is time the party finds a replacement to host this programme and raises the standard of what should be an educational programme. This programme should not be used by Mr Corbin for his own personal political achievement. If the party wants to showcase its young members it should invest in its youth arm and train prospective hosts. This is a PNCR television programme and should be promoted as such and reflect the party.
Yours faithfully,
Dexter Haynes