Dear Editor,
I have just read something that I feel compelled to challenge (SN Monday 07/01/29), on pg 10 under the caption ‘Jagdeo unhappy with education bureaucracy’. I feel he has a right to be. I am one of the thousands of faithful/patriotic Guyanese teachers who chose to remain and serve this fair land of ours, through sunshine and rain. I am also disgruntled with the system from time to time.
For example we have a timetable for the schools with modern foreign language but no curriculum guides or relevant materials (levels 1-6). Thousands of dollars have been spent to produce Health and Family Life Education Guides that have not been fully incorporated into the school’s system. Headteach-ers seem to take the school for ‘their home’ and run it with autocracy and nepotism.
What has really caused me to pen this letter is the penultimate paragraph of the article which states: “Before we got into office regions 1, 7 8 and 9