The People’s Progressive Party has a record of fighting for press freedom

Dear Editor,

I cannot help the deep feeling that the Jagdeo regime seems so intent on giving our country, Guyana, and the government, a bad name. This is in relation to the withholding of ads to the Stabroek News.

The whole episode appears immature and childish. What has Stabroek News done to deserve this? It is hard to understand.

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has a record of fighting for press freedom. They suffered terribly under the PNC regime which sought to destroy its mouthpiece the Mirror. It is quite difficult to believe that such a party can agree with such actions.

Our country has so far a very good name abroad. No one before this could have made any claim that fundamental human rights were violated. If they did they would have been scornfully laughed at. Now the PPP/Civic regime is dragging Guyana down to the worst time of the Burnham era when Guyana’s name was dirt.

No one has to gain from this, it is stupid and short sighted and will not do our country any good. The arrogance of power should not take the upper hand over democracy and good governance.

Yours faithfully,

Fitzroy Rollin