Stabroek News

Linden Foundation Secondary vandalized

The department of education in Region 10 is investigating the vandalizing of the head teacher’s office and some vital equipment belonging to the Linden Foundation Secondary School.

The school’s risograph, computer keyboard, teachers’ time book, office chairs, water cooler and several other pieces of equipment were vandalized.

According to the security provider for the school he received a call from the officers on duty at around 10 pm on Monday indicating that the school had been broken into. He said that the police were immediately summoned and he proceeded to the scene.

It was discovered that the main door had been prised open along with the door to the head teacher’s office. The vandals sprayed ketchup all over the office walls, on the furniture and in the fridge itself. A sharp instrument was used to damage the furniture and the other items.

Police retrieved two knives, one in the office area and another in the yard. A cell phone was retrieved from the yard. There was also a hole in the side of the fence.

While there has been no finger pointing, the action appears to be that of a disgruntled student or someone associated with the school.

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