Stabroek News

Mocha burnt body murder

Fenton Haynes, brother of the Mocha woman whose burnt body was found behind her home some two years ago, testified in the High Court yesterday to greeting an uneasy Lloyd McCleoud at the home on the day his sister went missing.

In testimony that was similar to his brother, Nzogi, Haynes told the court that when he and his brother, Nzogi questioned McCleoud about their sister’s whereabouts “he did not look normal. He was uneasy and restless when we ask for Beverly and he said he didn’t now where she is”.

Lloyd McCleoud is currently on trial for murder. He is accused of killing his ex-wife Beverly McCleoud on April 3, 2005 at the Mocha home they shared.

State counsel Melissa Yearwood-Stewart is leading evidence to show that McCleoud is responsible for the death of the woman. Attorney-at-law Hukumchand is defending the accused. The trial is continuing.

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