Stabroek News

Crossing the Berbice river is a nightmare

Dear Editor,

Crossing the Berbice river is a nightmare as Taijpaul Gainda said in his letter captioned “T & H D should employ another vessel on the Berbice crossing” (07.02.14). I left my home at 4am on Tuesday on the Corentyne and spent five and half hours to cross the river. I came back to Rosignol stelling at 6pm but could only get home at midnight. The ordinary people and poorer class feel the pressure. The ministers, policemen, doctors and lawyers do not know about the pressure people feel because whenever they come they join the priority line.

There is a new government and ministers but the same problem remains and nobody seems able to put some effective system in place. Many people complain but this falls on deaf ears. In the meantime, bribes are paid. Rules and regulations only last for a couple of days there.

For years we have been hoping for the bridge, something needs to be done urgently to bring some ease to people crossing. Government needs to have another boat and one standby because often one breaks down. They also have to put a system in place that whenever a vehicle comes to cross they can collect a number, and proper people to work there so the boats can work faster. Sometimes the boat is full but does not leave for a long time.

Yours faithfully,

C. Mackanlall

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