Stabroek News

Challenging Corporal Punishment

We often believe that children have to be told what to do. But children can learn to think and speak for themselves at very young ages. Since conflicts between children will occur even when you are practicing positive discipline, it is important to teach children conflict resolution skills. This will make it easier to manage your family or classroom and help children resolve conflicts more effectively.

Research shows that:

* Children who learn conflict resolution skills use them to solve conflicts

* This means that fewer conflicts are referred to teachers and administrators. The result? A lighter workload and less need for severe discipline


1. Conflict resolution teaches children to NEGOTIATE. Children learn negotiation skills by being taught to:

* Clearly say what they are arguing about and why

* State what they think the solution should be

* Listen to the other person’s opinions about the problem and solution

* Find a way that both sides win. For example, “Lets do it my way today and yours tomorrow and see which works best.”

2. MEDIATION is another important element of conflict resolution. Mediation uses a third person to help settle conflicts between two people. You can teach children to mediate by using a situation that has arisen in the past. Ask two children to role play (act out) the situation. Choose a third child to find a solution to the problem by

* Using their knowledge about their friends

* Using their knowledge about the issue

* Finding what they think is a good compromise

3. When all of the children in the class have been trained appoint one boy and one girl as mediators (peacemakers) each day. Everyone must be given a turn. The mediators should deal with all conflicts that can’t be solved by the parties by themselves.

4. The teacher supports the programme by being a role model, offering advice and continuously teaching good conflict resolution skills.


There are many organisations that can either provide training or tell you where you can get training in conflict resolution. Red Thread, Help and Shelter are two organisations that are working to promote positive forms of discipline. They are in touch with many other individuals and organisations with the same goal. For more information you can contact Red Thread at 227-7010 and Help and Shelter at 227-4731, 227-3454 or 231-7249.

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