Stabroek News

I apologise for the condition of this dog

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter captioned “Security dogs should be treated properly” (07.02.12) by a Guyanese sister and humanitarian, Syeada Manbodh, on an incident involving an apparent sick dog she saw by Robb Street near Oronoque Street.

I wish to admit that this dog belongs to me, and therefore I apologise to God Almighty, the dog, and mankind.

Even though there was an Admin Officer for that Department, a contracted Specialist and two caretakers, the fact remains that ‘the buck stops with me’ as I am the Chief Executive Officer/ Founder of the service.

I am a great lover of animals, especially dogs, and cruelty by some owners to dogs and horses sometimes make me very sad. Today, I am embarrassed because of my own.

Will Ms. Manbodh please contact me.

I have fired the contractor and contracted a qualified vet to make regular checks and monitor all animals.

As one great America Indian Chief said “Without the trees there will be no animals, without animals there will be no man.”

Yours faithfully,

Roshan Khan

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