Stabroek News

GASA’s first ever beginners swimming instructors course ends today

The Guyana Amateur Swim-ming Association (GASA) yesterday launched its first ever beginners swimming instructors course at the Colgrain pool, Camp Street.

The course is a two-day exercise that will conclude today from 9am-3pm.

GASA Vice President Stephanie Fraser told Stabroek Sport that the course provides the instructors with basic training in health and safety in the pool and waterfront environment as well as effective communication and motivation skills. The trainee instructors would obtain training in accident prevention skills, basic rescue response in an emergency, personal hygiene and cleanliness around aquatic facilities as well as other important aspects of being an instructor.

Training instructors for the courses are Nicholas Fraser, Charles Corbin, Joanne Lowe, and Edna Rodrigues. CPR technical staff Lydia Fraser also conducted training in CPR and basic response in an emergency. Meanwhile, Fraser said that in April the association would be having its Federation Internationale de Natacion (FINA) sponsored intermediate instructors training coaches programme, specializing in First AID and CPR training.

Fraser added that the top four swimmers of the association along with a diver will be representing Guyana in the FINA championship in Caracas, Venezuela, hosted by the South American Swim-ming Federation.

Representing Guyana are swimmers Onan Thom, Yannick Roberts, Jamal Sobers and Junior Sportsman of the Year (2006) Niall Roberts. Top diver Megan Farrow who is currently training in Hawaii will also be accompanying them.

Meanwhile, Fraser said that the association was de-nied access to the Castellani pool for training and because of the inadequacy of the Colgrain pool the children are unable to train, so they will not be participating in upcoming championships.

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