Stabroek News

Mr Lye’s return of his award was ill-conceived

Dear Editor,

It was recently reported that an individual by the name of Clairmont Lye has returned his national award, the Cacique Crown of Honour (CCH), to the Office of the President, citing what he described as governmental excesses over the years, with the pulling of advertisements from the Stabroek News, being ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’.

First of all, I fail to see the rationale behind this move, and its relation to ‘governmental excesses’. Secondly, and perhaps most interesting, is that Mr. Lye, who is accusing the government of muzzling the press and attacking democracy, has, in returning his award, exercised, and benefited from the freedom of expression.

Mr. Lye has fallen victim to the ‘herd mentality’ and has certainly hitched a ride on the bandwagon that lacks wheels of logic.

Come on Mr. Lye, returning your award was ill-conceived and achieves absolutely nothing.

Yours faithfully,

Jason Hinds

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