Stabroek News

The poor will be no more

Dear Editor,

At Matthew 26:11 it is written “For ye have the poor always with you”. Our Government is managing to prove that scripture wrong.

Can the poor really survive the onslaught by this Government?

First consumers were battered by GPL’s obscene rates and billing system. To that, we added VAT. Now, consumers are being informed by GWI that they will no longer be billed at the flat annual rate, but according to the consumption registered on the meter. According to GWI, if a consumer is disconnected, reconnection will be done only after all outstanding arrears and a reconnection fee of $6,000 are paid.

By the time we are done paying bills, there will be no money left for food and so we will all starve to death. Then the poor will be no more.

Howszat for achieving the Millennium Development Goals?

Yours faithfully,

R N Collymore

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