Stabroek News

Report accepted by Caricom sees shared sovereignty in `agreed areas’

The governance report recently accepted by Caricom heads at their St Vincent meeting sees shared sovereignty in “agreed areas,” the funding of institutions on the basis of GNP and a single act in all member countries which would allow a long-envisaged Caricom Commission to expedite decision-making.

These are among the recommendations made last year by the Caricom Technical Working Group (TWG). The final paragraph of the TWG report again stresses the urgency of a rapid decision on a matter which has engaged the region for decades.

“Given the length of time already spent on the consideration of regional governance in the Caribbean, it is recommended that a decision on the subject be adopted with a due sense of urgency. This is especially so in the context of achieving the objectives envisaged in the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas which remain central to the survival and prosperity of the Region,” the report says.

The recent Caricom communiqu

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