Stabroek News

ILO hosting training for Caribbean countries

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is hosting a training workshop aimed at building the capacity of officials who prepare reports on the application of international labour standards.

In a press release, the ILO said two representatives of employers’ organisations and two representatives of workers’ organisations from eight Caribbean/non-metropolitan territories are meeting in Dominica until March 2 for the workshop.

The workshop began yesterday. Under the constitution of the ILO, member states that have ratified ILO conventions are required to submit regular reports to the ILO on the measures being undertaken to implement them. The workshop is intended to provide in-depth skills training on the preparation of the reports.

The release said the lecturers for the sessions are senior ILO experts on international labour standards based in Geneva, Eric Gravel and Maria Marta Traviesco. Guyana, the host country and territories including Aruba, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis and St Lucia will be represented at the workshop.

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