There is a proper forum for party matters to be dealt with

Dear Editor,

Kindly allow me to respond to the many contributors on the question of the leadership of the PNCR.

I have noted that quite a few persons have raised their voices on the leadership, rules and the conduct of members of the PNCR.

It is my conviction that while these persons speak to those rules set out in the Party’s Constitution they themselves are omitting to follow those very rules. For example, the Central Executive, General Council and Congress are all forums which should be used to discuss, debate, sanction and most of all arrive at a solution to any matter brought by a member, group or any arm of the PNCR.

Personally, I find it disgusting to see these matters in the public domain and that the process which I am sure these writers are aware of is not followed.

Let me say to all other hardworking, focused comrades what Pastor Niemoller said “first they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew, then they came for the communists and again I did not speak because I was not a commuinst, then it was the trade unionists, I said nothing because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

I wish to further add they came for Mr. Desmond Hoyte because he was too old they said, today they come for Mr. Robert Corbin. There is a lesson I hope will be taken to heart. Don’t think that they won’t come for you too.

Yours faithfully,

Volda Lawrence, MP