Stabroek News

Congestion with cell phones continues

Dear Editor,

In a response to a letter writer in the Sunday edition of Stabroek News (03/11/07), GT&T has acknowledged that with its per second billing system in use, it has observed an increase in the number of persons using its cell phones on the network thereby causing congestion.

Apparently it hasn’t been doing anything about this congestion because most, if not every night it seems to be impossible to make a call from one’s cell phone because the network is always busy.

Also, the GPRS that is being offered seems to be having its own problems because my phone is hooked up to GPRS and 60% of the time I don’t get through when I attempt to log on to the Internet using my phone. If GT&T intends to remain competitive in the telecommunications arena, it is imperative that it provides top-class service in order to attract potential subscribers. It would be most helpful if GT&T can outline some permanent solutions to the above-mentioned cases.

Kris Michaels

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