Stabroek News

The Press Association’s response to the President is unjustified

Dear Editor,

I refer to the article captioned “Press body slams President’s verbal assault on media” (SN, March 11, 2007).

I read the reports of the President’s speech in Stabroek News and other sections of the media and at no point did the President “attack”, “berate” or “verbally assault” the media as the Guyana Press Association in a thin-skinned, knee-jerk, anti-Jagdeo reaction is claiming.

President Jagdeo challenged the media to stop being lazy and start asking the tough questions that should be asked, especially when Guyana’s international reputation is being slandered.

The way that the local media regurgitated the State Department’s report without any critical analysis or questioning of the Americans about their own record has simply vindicated the President’s comments.

The attack on the President by the Guyana Press Association is therefore, completely unwarranted.

Yours faithfully,

Suresh Dookhie

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