Stabroek News

Baronness Amos awarded three accolades

Baroness Amos has been awarded three accolades.In just over a week she was voted the most powerful black woman in the UK, by the New Nation Newspaper was awarded Peer of the Year by Dods political publishers and next week will be awarded a “Trailblazer in Diversity” award at The 2007 Chief Diversity Officers Forum to be held March 20-22, in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Valerie Amos is the Leader of the House of Lords and in that capacity has a responsibility for ensuring the smooth running of business. She is also the Minister for Overseas Development and as such provides answers on all aspects of Development.

In a release, her special adviser Dorothea Hodge says she is one of the few ministers who go to great lengths to research an issue and provide a proper answer, rather than merely reading from her officials’ briefs. “She explains why Government Policy is the way it is and takes suggestions on board. She is a phenomenally hard worker, very conscientious and sensible and modest as well. Her contribution is not always appreciated to the extent it should be.”

Baroness Amos, Ms Hodge says, is always perfectly prepared for questions and answers in debates. “Unlike some other ministers she attempts to answer questions rather than evade the issue. She genuinely believes that the Government is or should be accountable.

She is always ready to talk to whoever comes knocking at her door and is utterly sensible, conciliatory and innovative in resolving any complications that arise in tricky committees.”

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