Stabroek News

Major improvements at the Immigration Department, well done Mr Vyfhuis

Dear Editor,

We most times only write about the police on negative issues, so I am very pleased to write about the Immigration Department of the Guyana Police Force.

Every morning when I pass the office on Camp Road it reminds me of the earlier days of people lining up at the US Embassy as there are usually lines outside the Immigration Office.

On Wednesday November 2, I had cause to visit the Immigration Office and the lines were no longer there as it seems they are there early in the morning but are accommodated as soon as the staff arrive in seating provided for that purpose.

Although there was a very large number of people they were all seated under the shed, which had a small canteen to serve them.

I wish to congratulate Mr Vyfhuis, the Deputy Chief Immigration Officer, for the obvious smooth organization, which was in evidence and the leadership by example which he set to his officers and ranks. He himself was under the shed at a makeshift table expediting passport papers for members of the public. This was a fine example of service at his and other levels and one has to give credit where it is due especially for a much-maligned police force.

Well done, Mr Vyfhuis and the staff of the Immigration Service. I am proud of you. Keep up the good work. Yours faithfully,

Norman McLean

Major General (Ret.d.)

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