The policemen escorting that prisoner should be fired for incompetence

Dear Editor,

Recently there was a well-publicized case of a remanded female murder suspect escaping from the custody of the police ranks who were charged with the responsibility of escorting her to prison in New Amsterdam. According to the police, the prisoner made good her escape after asking to and being allowed to use the toilet at some private establishment along the East Coast.

My question to these ranks is why a private establishment or house when there are in fact no less than seven Guyana Police Force outposts or stations en route to Berbice. Furthermore, since according to reports there was a female rank in the escort party, why was she not posted outside the door of the toilet to prevent this exact scenario from occurring?

It seems to me that there is ample evidence for the Commissioner of Police to fire the ranks forthwith, having neglected their duties and permitting a prisoner to escape.

In recent times the Guyana Police Force has suffered from a series of public relations fiascos including police ranks attending court improperly attired or not at all and of greatest concern giving evidence that is contrary to what they wrote in their statements.

I would be remiss if I did not mention that the picture of another murder suspect standing with family members while unescorted and not cuffed, cannot help the image of the police.

Do we still need to wonder how all sorts of contraband end up in our jails and other places of confinement.

These are the kinds of things that cause the work of dedicated and competent police men and women to be taken for granted by some members of the public and the commissioner should take serious steps to resolve these.

The Guyana Police Force is an organisation which is near and dear to me, having served for several years prior to migrating to the USA. Therefore, it need not be said that I get rather agitated when I hear of these missteps by serving members.

To those members who are working earnestly to make a difference I say thank you and keep up the good work.

Yours faithfully,

Richard A. Dickson

Ex Homicide


New York City