This dangerous area needs traffic signs

Dear Editor,

The Rosignol Ferry Stelling is just a stone’s throw from the Rosignol Primary School and the road traffic is very congested around the school hours especially when the 2.20 pm boat arrives. The primary school dismisses its afternoon session at 2.30pm. There are no school zone signs, speed limits, or pedestrian crossing signs. Deaths are customary on this road. Children are mutilated and killed on the pedestrian crossings.

My 11-year-old sister was one of the latest victims of the pedestrian crossing dilemma. Fortunately, the bicycle that had no brakes or bell did not kill her. She was only hospitalized for some eight hours. This resulted in her right hand being put in to a sling. The culprit was not fined by the police for the offence of riding without brakes or bell. Yours faithfully,

R Williams