President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday resisted calls by the opposition to sack gun-toting Local Government Minister Kellawan Lall, who was involved in a rum shop brawl with a teenager two Sundays ago.
He also declared that he would not ask Lall to step aside to facilitate an investigation, as the minister was in not in the way.
Lall had gun-butted the teen, Joseph Doodnauth in the forehead, fired off his gun and jammed him with his vehicle during a drunken row over a woman on November 18 at a drinking bar at Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara. Reports from well-placed sources yesterday indicated that the teenager had also assaulted the minister during the fracas. Lall has since refused to comment on the issue, absenting himself from Parliament yesterday and also avoiding the media.
Jagdeo told a press conference yesterday at the Office of the President that since he arrived from his overseas trip he had seen the police report and also had a talk with Lall.
“The Commissioner of Police told me that both parties do not want to pursue the matter