Stabroek News

Wife of executed Corriverton snackette owner arrested

The reputed wife of the snackette owner who was executed on Tuesday in front of his residence and business place at Number 78 Village, Corriverton has been taken into custody at the Springlands Police Station.

Daniel Jones, a 31-year-old father of seven was gunned down after returning from a bar and police believe that the killing was drug-related.

His reputed wife of six years, Shanaz Isaacs was arrested yesterday afternoon.

She had told this newspaper that she was detained at the station shortly after the incident to assist with investigations and was later released.

The woman said she was in bed their four-year-old daughter when she heard her husband shouting for the gateman to open the gate. “I hear when he said ‘Gateman open the gate’ and then I hear the loud explosions

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