Stabroek News

I am disappointed at the behaviour of senior army officers

Dear Editor,

I have read with interest in your newspaper an incident involving the former Chief of Staff Mr Edward Collins being rejected from the GDF compound in Thomas Lands, and it reminds me of the old saying, the seeds you plant blossom out as the fruit you eat. I note the official tactical comments from the GDF command on his remarks during his farewell speeches, and I commend the army for breaking protocol and being forthcoming with their observations.

It should be noted for Mr Collins information that his rank and appointment as an ex army officer ex COS, does not give him any authority or liberty in the command of the GDF, unless he is placed in the reserve, or by virtue of his previous appointment he is automatically a reserve member of the GDF.

He is however entitled by virtue of traditions and protocol, to courtesy and respect by all ranks under the rank bestowed to him perhaps with the exception of the Chief Of Staff who currently holds office.

However Mr Collins should be reminded that he broke those very protocols and traditions particularly at his rank and appointment when he shunned the handing over ceremony and farewell parade which was consistent with his rank and appointment and had no relevance to his personal likes or dislikes.

Added to that behavior his unit farewell speeches were not designed to build cohesion and unity in the GDF but were very divisive and disrespectful to the new command, a situation in which if he is automatically placed in the reserve he can be called to defend charges of conduct unbecoming of an officer if the current COS chooses to level a complaint to the Defence Board.

I empathise with the young captain who confronted his senior rank if he was not mandated to do so, but it’s the conduct of his senior that created that level of disrespect and he should be forgiven.

As an ex officer I am saddened and disappointed at the low level of behaviour coming from senior officers.

Yours faithfully,

B Blackman

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