With up to two million patient encounters a year the Georgetown Public Hospital’s capacity is constantly challenged but construction will soon commence for a new in-patient facility.
The $1.1 billion project, which is to be executed through the Health Sector Development Unit (HSDU), Ministry of Health, is being funded by the government through an Inter-American Development Bank loan.
A rehabilitation therapy section will be constructed as part of the project in addition to 16 surgical units with approximately 96 beds; seven paediatric units with 48 cribs and seven surgical units with 42 beds. Nursing administration; a medical records unit and clinical administrative services are also included in the project.
Yesterday at the official signing of the contract which was awarded to Roy Bassoo and Sons, Minister of Health Dr Leslie Ramsammy underscored the importance of a new in-patient facility. He said the physical infrastructure of the public hospital must change to meet the demands of the public, adding that the hospital has close to 40,000 admissions a year.
He said that while the focus is currently on the physical infrastructure the technological capacity of the hospital is another area to be upgraded. Ramsammy said the new in-patient facility will be state-of-the-art.
Other facilities at the new in-patient building will include hot and cold water, a fire suppression system, a computer network and voice paging systems, closed circuit television and two elevators.
Construction is scheduled to commence next March when the new Linden Hospital, which Roy Bassoo and Sons is also working on, will be completed. Supervision of the work will be done by the Louis Berger Group.
Ramsammy said the duration of the project is 18 months so if deadlines are met the spanking new building will be opened in late 2009. He urged the contractor to have the project completed within the timeframe set out.
The HSDU aims to improve the effectiveness, quality and equity in access to health services and includes projects to develop information technology, strengthen the human resources system and the delivery of pharmaceuticals. Particular focus is placed on improving the infrastructure for health services delivery.