Dear Editor,
Mr Vishnu Bisram in his letter titled ‘Clinton and McCain could win the nominations for their respective parties’ (SN, 29.12.07) believes that Barack Obama stands little chance against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary and no chance against any of the Republican candidates in the presidential election if he were elected as the Demo-cratic nominee. I wish to remind the pollster that the current polls show that Obama is more electable than Clinton against the Republicans in the presidential race.
Mr Bisram finds it “hard to believe that Iowa voters will choose someone [Obama] who is less experienced than Clinton and who has no chance of winning the presidency.” Wow! What an unbelievable statement. If my memory (and my analysis) serves me correct, I am sure that Americans vote more for charismatic personalities rather than for candidates with political “experience.” There are many examples of recent American presidents who had little or no experience in the ways of Washington; the current US president was a businessman who ran a baseball team, Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas (so was Mike Huckabee) and had little Washington experience, and Ronald Regan was a Hollywood actor. Come on Mr Bisram, show me where the “experience” matters.
The only thing that matters and concerns some Democrats about Obama is the fact that he is interracial (or Black). There is this belief and fear that Americans are not ready for a Black president. If Barack Obama were white, he would hands down win the nomination and the presidency.
As it relates to the Republicans and Mike Huckabee, Mr Bisram believes that “Ameri-cans are not ready for a preacher in the White House;” so what is George Bush doing there right now? The guy literally became a “preacher” in his re-election campaign by adopting pro-church positions and appealing mainly to the evangelical base.
Some might say that I’m na