In a bizarre turn of events, clothing of three of the six East Coast Demerara fishermen who were attacked and later killed at sea washed up at the Annandale foreshore, leaving relatives of the dead men baffled as to where exactly they were slain and who was behind it.
Back in November last year the badly decomposed bodies of Rameshwar Gangadin, 24, Patrick Parboo, 20, and Mark Sylvester Parshram, were found on the Whim foreshore. Their three other colleagues Navendra Gangadin, Davendra Persaud and Christopher Rooplall have not been found since.
Yesterday Chandrapattie Jagmohan, Parboo’s grandmother told this newspaper that Parboo’s mother, Satyawantie Harripaul had a dream on Saturday night during which she was told by Parboo that his clothes were on the seashore and she should go and collect them. Jagmohan said Harripaul accompanied by two other relatives visited the seashore the next day and saw the clothing strewn on the sand. Harripaul had a look at the clothing, but she did not trouble them, Jagmohan said. She told Stabroek News that yesterday another relative who is a fisherman returned from the seas and as he disembarked his fishing vessel at Annandale he saw the clothing. Police were later alerted and the garments were retrieved. In addition to Parboo, relatives of the Gangadins said that one shirt belonging to Navendra along with a bed sheet and a towel for Rameshwar were also found on the sea shore. “I ain’t know this is what