Dear Editor,
I refer to a letter by Carlton Beckles, the Secretary of the Bartica Football Association captioned “Any efforts to develop football have been stymied” (08.01.19). Mr. Beckles seems bent on defending the GFF and more so Mr. Colin Klass.
I have read Mr. Duff’s article on Mr Klass and felt inspired that someone had again taken up the mantle of finding out what really is going on in the GFF. Like any journalist worth his salt, Mr. Duff asked hard questions, questions that many of us want to know answers to but Beckles sees it another way.
Mr Klass is the longest serving head of associations in Guyana, (he might even be the longest serving in the Caribbean) and yet football is being kicked around like a football. In other parts of the world a president would have bowed out or been shown a red card by his General Council. But sadly in Guyana we have a weak General Council. It is indeed a sad day when we have to see our national footballers being kicked off of this ground and that ground. The GFF has a timetable (do they?) of when national teams will be playing matches. Haven’t they the foresight to secure grounds early?
Let Mr. Beckles say why secretaries in the GFF make more than our national coach Wayne Dover who takes home $50,000 (US$250) per month. Who is more important to this nation, secretaries or a national coach? Mr Klass should explain too to the public why he told Kaieteur News that coaches are paid from US$2000 downwards. Which coach, when and where? Let Klass and Beckles explain to this nation what happened when Gail Teixeira was able to secure land to build the stadium and who messed up the party. Let Klass say too what happened to the bus that was purchased for thousands of pounds.
Yours faithfully,
Carl Davidson