Following calls that were received at city schools over the past two days threatening to harm students, Education Minister Shaik Baksh on Friday decried the tactic as a callous and cowardly one in which some persons were seeking to drive fear into the population by disrupting the schooling of children.
Addressing the media on the calls Baksh said that on Thursday a call was received at Queen’s College stating that the ministers’ children attending that school would be abducted, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported.
Then the chairman of the School Board and the head teacher immediately contacted him with that information and it was conveyed to the relevant authority.
And on Friday, GINA stated, the education ministry was informed that calls were reported to have been received at St Roses and St Agnes schools conveying similar threats.
In addition, a call was received at the ministry that a bomb had been planted at St Joseph’s High, while a call was made to St Winefride’s informing them that gunmen were on their way to the school. This led to classes at these schools being disrupted.
Reports of these calls were made to the police and fire service which responded promptly. They checked and cleared the schools so that classes could resume.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Home Affairs was informed of this development and has promised to do all in his power to ensure the safety of teachers and students.
Commencing tomorrow, GINA said, there will be mobile patrols around school areas while additional security will be placed at city schools. No reports have been received from schools on the East Coast and East Bank Demerara.
Baksh said also that they will be working through the school system to speak to the students about the measures to be taken to ensure their personal safety.
A team from the ministry also visited the affected schools to lend support to the administration.
Meantime, the Chairman of St Roses High School Board has requested that Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company provide information that would help to trace the origin of the calls.