Kowsilla Pardat of Novar, Mahaicony drove off with the Cellink Blue Tundra after winning the GT&T game show yesterday afternoon.
The 50-year-old mother of three chose the number three twice in the three-round game to emerge the winner of the customized vehicle.
To a large, boisterous crowd, 15 holders of the 20 numbers chosen last Friday showed up at the City Mall to compete.
In the first round everyone was asked to choose a bag containing a box that told them their fate for the next round.
Five persons were sent out with $20,000 each, one person went home with $70,000 while nine went on to the next round.
The second round followed the pattern of the first: four persons went out with $50,000 each, while the other five moved on to the last round.
Here five bags containing identical keys were placed before the contenders. They all chose one bag with Pardat choosing the correct keys. The other four persons were not sent home empty handed but were given $80,000 each.