Stabroek News

Those pictures of butchery needed to be shown

Dear Editor,

The Kaieteur News’s gruesome and grotesque images of the savage butchery, death and destruction needed to be shown to all Guyana and the world. It may take shock and awe to reveal the truth of that savagery. One picture is worth a thousand words.

With due respect to the families, the truth of that evil may shock and awake the conscience of not only people of goodwill, but even those who lend support to the terrorists. Even the terrorists and their families may be sickened by the images of this brutality. Or has reason fled to brutish beasts ?

Revolting and disgusting as the pic-tures may seem, it was what truly happened on that fateful night to innocent men, women and children as they slept. Looking at those pictures not only moistens your eyes, but alerts you to be vigilant not only about your family’s safety, but that of the village and country.

Yours faithfully,

D Prasad

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