Restore first past the post and create a federation

Dear Editor,

I feel that before this country deteriorates into a scenario like Kenya and the UN or the US steps in to mediate, we should deal with the issues affecting us. Isn’t this why we lobbied for independence? To decide on our own how best to chart a course forward? We can clearly see that the winner takes all system will never ever work.

I don’t believe in power sharing, especially under the current constitution. It just will not work. I suggest that given the situation in the country at the moment, the President should declare a state of emergency, suspend the constitution and reinstate the pre 1980 Constitu-tion and assume the role of Prime Minister. There is an advantage for Mr Jagdeo in doing this as the old constitution does not have term limits.

After this, the parties should suspend all discussions in parliament and focus all their energies on creating a new constitution and dividing the country to create a federation of states. Create four states/provinces. Berbice, Demerara, Essequibo (Upper half of Essequibo) and islands and the Rupununi (lower half of Essequibo). The new constitution would determine the provincial structure of government with a fixed number of ministerial positions and a provincial assembly with representation by the various parties. Do not fear secession. We can build into the new constitution a provision that a province can only secede from the federation legally through a referendum by all citizens of the federation. Any provincial government attempting to secede by other means will have their government removed by the army, members involved jailed for treason and fresh elections called.

All wealth created in the province to remain in the province except for a percentage handed over to the federal government. Each province to create its own police force. The army to be under the federal government. The federal government to comprise a prime minister, finance minister, foreign affairs minister and an attorney general responsible for the legal system and chosen the same way the Chairman of the Elections Commission is chosen currently. I suggest that the political parties look on this as light at the end of the tunnel and work on this with tolerance and compromise on issues. Do not shut down the process at every step over every issue.

If these little islands we are in partnership with in Caricom are successful, why not a province here multiple times larger?

Also, open your minds and create an avenue for remigrants if you are serious about attracting them back. Do it the right way and recognize dual citizenship and allow them to run for public office. Don’t do it through the back door as some members of Parliament currently do. Do not feel threatened. You need people with new ideas and energy. If you continue with the same old, we will become a decadent nation already on the path to self destruction. If this is done, the PPP will rule Berbice; the PNC, Demerara; the Essequibo and islands will rotate between the PPP and the PNC or be ruled mostly by the AFC and the TUF will probably be elected in the Rupununi at the inception. Everyone will get a chance to rule and stick their fingers in a piece of the pie. Do this Mr President and the history of our country will remember you always. Here is your chance to be remembered like the Americans remember Abraham Lincoln.

Yours faithully,

Ganesh Singh