Daily Archive: Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Articles published on Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Policing and Politics

The administration’s agreement to establish a special select committee on the Disciplined Forces Commission Report in the National Assembly must have been an embarrassing admission of its sloth and weakness.


This view was expressed some time ago by former Barbados Prime Minister, Owen Arthur, who, at the same forum, made the point that a primary factor in the worsening crime situation in the region is that “we have lost our way because our core cultural values have been lost, exchanged instead for values originating extra-regionally.

The Region

But the more important issue arising is, whether there was an appropriate apparatus available in the Caricom governance institutional structure, with the mandate to pursue the elaboration of a political/policy strategy for the consideration of governments; for the CRNM was seen as strictly accepting mandates, rather than assisting in the innovation of strategy.

hinterland development

It was the Hon Hubert Jack, then Minister without Portfolio, who, in an address titled “The Thrust into the Hinterland” in June 1970, said and I quote: “With our coastlands already crowded, with the need to develop the enormous resources of the Interior so as to maintain and improve the standard of living of our people, faced with the urgent need to establish communities in the Interior, if only to thwart the designs of those who cast envious eyes on our land, the people and Government of Guyana are now embarked on the challenging task of making the Hinterland truly their own”.


293-303. With one exception, all the genera and species comprising our visitors had already given me a contribution for my collection: what I still missed was the glorious flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) which in spite of every trick resorted to, never came within shot.

Cities or Slums?

In 1961, the scholar Lewis Mumford wondered whether the modern city would disappear, or ‘the whole planet turn into a vast urban hive?

Critchlow Labour College was part of a broader plan in which the American Labour Movement was involved to provide education for workers

Dear Editor, I have read some comments about the subvention for Critchlow Labour College (CLC), which has been withheld by operatives of the Government of Guyana (GOG), apparently in an effort to punish the TUC for its failure to have trade union unity in the face of machinations from other actors in the industrial relations arena.

Gunmen rob Enachu camp – police

Joint Services ranks were yesterday deployed to Enachu, some 170 miles up the Essequibo River and some ten miles from the mining community of Kurupung after reports that a gang of gunmen went into a camp there.

Row over flight inspector

The Aircraft Owners Associa-tion of Guyana (AOAG) says that with the hiring of an under-qualified person as a flight operations inspector (FOI), the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has not only put its credibility and reputation on the international scene at stake, but the safety of the planes and passengers at risk.

$2.2B earmarked for sea defence

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh said government has allocated $2.2 billion in this year’s budget to execute major infrastructural works in sea defence, shore zone management and mangrove regeneration.