Special booklets on the new Amerindian Act which are being produced by the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs in languages that will be understood by the Amerin-dians are almost complete, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported.
GINA quoted Minister of Amerindian Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues as saying that the legal language had been posing some difficulties and the ministry decided to make the document more user-friendly in order that its contents are easily understood.
There are booklets on the Amerindian Act already which are available to the public but Amerindian communities specifically will be targeted for the distribution of these new booklets.
Rodrigues said that the project which started last year is almost complete. `
Additionally, templates of the forestry and mining sectors are in the printing process which will serve as a guide for communities involved in the two sectors.
The minister said the project will be pursued because of several complaints relating to agreements not being properly formulated and the communities losing out.
She said a workshop was completed with the toshaos in order that they understand the contents of the Act, so they could better guide others.
The Amerindian Act of 1951 was outdated and not reflective of today’s situation and many communities had asked for it to be revised.
In early August 2005, the Amerindian Bill was presented to Parliament and was subsequently debated on October 20, 2005.
The new Amerindian Act was passed on February 16, 2006 paving the way for Amerindians to empower themselves socially, economically and politically, GINA added.