No arrest yet in savage Mocha attack

Four days have passed since two gunmen attacked a Mocha Arcadia businesswoman, beating her about her body with concrete blocks and shooting her in the arm and the police are yet to make an arrest.

Residents of the East Bank Demerara community said that in spite of this they are confident that in time the perpetrators will be brought to justice. They suspect that persons from the village might have carried out the robbery/attack on the woman who has been operating her business – the Comfort Plus net café in the community for the past six years or at least provided the culprits with information.

Meanwhile, the victim, Petra Ming is recuperating well in the open ward of the Georgetown Hospital. When Stabroek News visited her yesterday afternoon she appeared to be much more at ease and was chatting with friends.

Her head and arm were still bandaged. She was battered in her head with concrete blocks and required numerous stitches while her right hand where she was shot bore exit and entry wounds.

Ming told this newspaper that she is feeling much better and the intense pain in her throat and neck had subsided a bit.

Reports are that just after 11 pm on Thursday, the mother of two locked up her business place and began the two-minute walk to her home which is located at the back of that building.

She had in her possession a bag containing about $30, 000 which represented the money the business brought in that night.

As the woman approached an old fowl pen which separates her business place from her home, two masked men who were hiding behind a zinc sheet at the entrance, sprang up and attacked her.

After hearing scuffling sounds and a gunshot, neighbours ventured out only to find Ming lying in a pool of blood. Ranks from the Providence Police Station arrived some ten minutes later and transported her to the hospital.