Nepotism is much more developed under this government than under Burnham

Dear Editor,
In a letter captioned, “The PPP rule has degenerated into forms that are worse than under Burnham” (08.03.23). I listed four formations of a pathological nature the emergence of which we did not see under Burnham. One of these is the incestuous penetration of the state sector by family members of the core of the PNC leadership and the extended PNC hierarchy. Mr Burnham did not tolerate and encourage the offspring and family members of the PNC’s inner leadership and its wider elite cadres to possess any lucrative jobs they wanted in the private sector. Obviously there were such cases but it was not a policy of the PNC as it is today in the PPP.

I lived under the Burnham regime and saw that phenomenon for myself. The children, spouses and siblings of the PNC hierarchy occupied ordinary occupations. They would have been scared to even approach Burnham to tell him that they wanted to head this or that state institution.