Stabroek News

For acts of piracy to be reduced there must be a sharing of intelligence

Dear Editor,
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Minister of Agriculture and the GDF on their efforts to combat acts of piracy.

However, because of their lack of effective intelligence gathering, response capability, and lack of human and other resources they have so far not been effective. Suriname has however been successful due to their intelligence gathering mechanism in place and their willingness to work closely with private investigation agencies involved in tracking down, identifying and infiltrating piracy gangs.

Intelligence available to both Suriname law enforcement agencies and private investigators indicates that new piracy gangs are formed after arrests of suspects. Intelligence also suggests that some fishermen attached to a certain Berbice coop are actively involved in aiding and abetting pirates and that fish glue stolen from fishermen is being bought by persons who travel all the way from Cayenne to purchase at very high prices. Fish glue is also used to smuggle cocaine to other countries.

I conclude by saying that for acts of piracy to be significantly reduced there must be a coordinated, sustained, continuous approach and sharing of intelligence by law enforcement and other private agencies involved.
Yours faithfully,
Robert Gates


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