Artistes and the give back phenomenon

Dear Editor,

In perusing your well informed editorial of Saturday April 12, 2008 styled “The blindness of absolute power”, you highlighted individuals and events who/which utilize the “give back” phenomena which seek to raise millions of dollars to help in the fight against poverty, HIV and other areas of concern across the world.

One such individual was the Rock Singer Bono, and his “One” campaign and the sale of “Red” items, of which I was a contributor during one of my visits abroad.
Perhaps, because of an oversight, however, Bono was described as the lead singer of the Group UB40. In fact Bono is the lead singer of the Irish Rock Group U2.

Quite coincidentally, however, I may have heard over a BBC programme not so long ago, that the versatile British (based) musical artiste Max Priest has joined UB40 as its Lead Singer, but I am subject to correction.

If this later information is indeed incorrect, I ask to be excused, since the BBC programme was being broadcast around 2 o’clock one morning, and even though I may have been wide awake, I could very well have been dreaming.

Yours faithfully,
Maurice Peter Abraham