Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton yesterday recused herself from the arms and ammunition matter involving Terrence Sugrim citing the fact that she had dealt with another matter involving the defendant which was taken to the High Court and been discharged and which matter might be prejudicial to him.
Sugrim was present at the Wales Magistrate’s Court when the magistrate made that announcement that she was sending back the matter to the Chief Magistrate for re-assignment. Sugrim, 43, of Lot 91 Parfait Harmonie, West Bank Demerara who also goes by the name Roy Alvarez as well as several other aliases is charged with two counts of unlawful possession of arms and ammunition. It is alleged that on June 28 at Lot 91 Parfait Harmonie, he had in his possession two firearms, that is to say, one .32 Taurus Pistol (serial number FUH 83964) and a .32 Walter Pistol number 452067 without being the holder of a firearm licence.