Dear Editor,
I refer to Mr Vishnu Bisram’s letter of May 18 captioned, ‘NACTA was the successor to the Turkeyen Research and Polling Institute.’ Mr Bisram is not going to wear me down. I have every intention of replying to each one of his missives once they contain criticism of my comments on his unprofessional conduct of surveys in this country.
Whenever someone calls into question the existence of NACTA, he replies and cries out that the person is attacking his polls. He carefully sidesteps the question surrounding the dubious life of his phantom organization, NACTA that his critics consistently confront him on.
So D Ramprakash chastises him for his total lack of transparency. He replies to the person thanking him for the letter, says that the person is not like Kissoon and has no agenda. He absolutely refuses to deal with the many questions raised in D Ramprakash’s correspondence about whether his polls are properly done
Every time you request information about NACTA and his employment, he sidesteps an answer and asks, ‘What has that got to do with my polls?’
Now we have a new red herring. He informs us that NACTA is the successor to the Turkeyen Research and Polling Institute, one of Ravi Dev’s front groups that quickly dissipated. Mr Dev is known for his one-man organizations. He has a political party, ROAR.
Who are the executives of ROAR? Where is its office? Where are its office personnel? It appears that Bisram comes from that tradition. The point is not which organization NACTA succeeded, but who or what is NACTA.
In a letter to the Kaieteur News, (May 21) he wrote: “NACTA was founded by Trinidadian, Vassan Ramracha.” But we are not interested in who founded it. We would like to know who leads it, the other executives, and where it is located.
At least give us a New York telephone number
In that same letter, he went on: “I was authorized to use the name, and made Director of Polling. I am not authorized to speak on behalf of NACTA.” So what is Bisram’s relationship with NACTA? Is he a member? Does he sit on its board? And why if Bisram finances his own polls, as he openly wrote, should NACTA allow him to call the polls, NACTA’s operations? They are not. They are done by Bisram.
Here is what Bisram wrote in a letter to Kaieteur News (March 29), “Nacta has existed for 20 years doing polling which have [sic] been published internationally.” Could Mr Bisram tell us if those surveys were his or NACTA’s. Does NACTA have other polling directors?
Mr Bisram asserted that he finances his field work because it helps him with his research. Could he tell us what are his research interests and some of the theories he has discovered while doing this field research for over twenty years?
In a letter of April 3, he penned the following line: “Freddie my salary comes from teaching.”
So where does Mr Bisram teach? That is top secret for a man who claims he is the polling director of a group in New York, who travels all over the globe conducting surveys, who has financed his own polls. Mr Bisram has one theme – Don’t ask me anything about my work, my job, my professional life, just accept that I do polls. Unfortunately, most Guyanese don’t believe you do worthy polls, Mr Bisram.
Yours faithfully,
Frederick Kissoon