Dear Editor,
As soon as I purchase my newspaper I rush to the ‘Letters to the Editor’ pages to read the views of ordinary Guyanese citizens.
What I really wanted to discuss here is the speedboat service across the Demerara River from the Stelling next to the Stabroek Market. I think that it is a very wonderful service allowing persons to get across to the other side of the river without any hassle. As soon as one arrives there, you can quickly board one of the speedboats and arrive on the West Coast of the Demerara River in minutes.
There is no long wait. There is no flaring temper. There is no disgust upon missing the steamer as what happens when crossing the Berbice River from New Amsterdam to Rosignol. I believe this service would do very well in Berbice. It’s really a pity that no one has ever approached the authorities to venture into such a project. A speedboat service across the Berbice River would certainly ease the congestion, struggles and the long waiting time of persons wanting to get across to Rosignol.
However, at a time when the Berbice River Bridge is nearing completion that idea is virtually useless.
Yours faithfully,
Leon Jameson Suseran