A 13-year-old student of St Mary’s secondary has been reported missing.

Gem Klautky, 13, of 2 Charles Street, Charlestown was last seen on Saturday on Anira and Albert streets, Queenstown around 1.30 pm.
In a telephone interview with Stabroek News, Colin Klautky, the father of the missing girl related that at the time of Gem’s disappearance she was attending classes with the Marigold choir. The man said that the family had expected her to return between midday and 1 pm but she never came home. He further told Stabroek News that he contacted his daughter on her cellular phone and asked her to come home. He said that when he tried her phone later that night it was turned off. The man said he spoke with a friend of the teenager who told him that they were at the City Mall together after which they went to Queenstown where Gem boarded a pink Route 45 mini bus.
Klautky told Stabroek News that they have been having a lot of problems recently in relation to the teen’s curfew.
The father of the teenager told this newspaper that he made a report to the Brickdam police station on Saturday night but was told that that station does not deal with such matters. As a result he made another report at the Ruimveldt police station the following morning.
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Gem is kindly asked to contact her parents on telephone numbers; 226-2814, 225-2479, 670-6092 or the nearest police station.