Plaisance residents are concerned about the filling in of what they say is a major drainage trench in their community while the NDC has said that permission was granted from “a higher authority” for it to be filled-in.

When Stabroek News visited the area on Thursday several residents were vocal about the “slackness the NDC encouraging with this type of behaviour,” one man said. The trench which is located on the northern side of the railway embankment between Prince William and Graham streets has been partly filled with truckloads of sand by a man from Vryheid’s Lust – two villages from Plaisance. The section of the trench obliquely opposite the Plaisance Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) has been filled-in.
Residents say that the man plans to build a wash bay in the area. They told this newspaper that water from all the trenches along Prince William Street, Victoria Road and from the northern side of the Plaisance railway embankment flows into that trench before it drains into the “big trench” alongside Graham Street.
If the trench is filled-in it will cause a “back-up” and flooding during the rainy season. One man said he heard the man intends to dig a small drain alongside his establishment to lead the water out; however, this drain would not be able to accommodate water flowing from all the cross-streets.
In an invited comment, Chairman of the Plaisance NDC Clinton Rollox said the man allegedly responsible for filling-in the trench never approached the NDC for permission though he has learnt that the man was given permission by higher authorities. Rollox said too he is not aware of what the man’s plans might be for the area. Further, he suggested that this newspaper contacts the housing or public works ministries for answers pertaining to the trench as he could give no other comment. However, repeated calls to both ministries along with the Ministry of Local Government proved futile.