Dear Editor,
I refer to a letter by Mr Anand Boodram titled, ‘Bisram is a teacher’ (SN August 18). This relentless letter campaign by Mr Bisram and three of his friend (Messrs Ramracha, Suleiman and now Boodram) has gone on for too long. I firmly believe that no one picks up on it because they find the whole thing comical.
We can leave out Mr Bisram who by now has made a mess of his reputation in Guyana and who cannot give us even one specific institution that he once worked at.
First, there was Mr Suleiman. He informed us that Vishnu Bisram is a top class teacher who is attached to an organization named Nacta.
And he is also a community worker who has been honoured several times by Indo-Caribbean organizations in New York. Not one single school or Indo-Caribbean organization was named. Nothing was written about the mysterious Nacta.
Next, someone named Mr Ramracha came up with an identical letter. Again we are told that Mr Bisram has been attached to a plethora of schools and organizations, but as usual, no specific names were offered.
Mr Ramracha told us he is the communications officer of Nacta, contradicting Bisram who told us that Mr Ramracha was the founder of Nacta
Now Mr Boodram follows in identical vein. He knows the schools Mr Bisram has taught at. He knows where Mr Bisram works. He knows Mr Bisram’s school boss.
But no names again. Mr Boodram goes further. He lets us know that Nacta does not want to have a web page.
Since it does not have a web page then we cannot know about this leading polling institution in New York that goes all over the world doing surveys some of which are for Caribbean governments.
No one should take Messrs Bisram, Ramracha and Boodram seriously. Just imagine the nonsense to say that you can still teach and travel all over the world and you pay back the time when you are on vacation leave. So when school is out in August, Mr Bisram who was roaming the world in April when students were preparing for the exam, gives back time to the school.
The only problem is that he would be teaching to an empty classroom since school recesses for the August break in every country in the world. The US school system seems to be a crazy one.
Yours faithfully,
Frederick Kissoon