Stabroek News

Government should now turn its attention to loud music in homes and private vehicles

Dear Editor,
Now at last after years of complaints the government has decided to ban the playing of music in public transport. To me the only defect in the law now is that it does not provide for the confiscation and destruction of the musical instrument found to be breaking the law. Let us now hope for the constant monitoring of the law and the swift and condign punishment of the offenders.

Mr Editor, one must now turn to those private parties who either in their homes or private vehicles continue to play loudly and continuously to the annoyance of others. In this regard especial attention must be paid to places of worship which now use microphones to get out their message and particularly to those having Indian ceremonies, where those responsible, seem to think that because there are having a wedding they have the right to use the loudest music system that they can lay hands on and then to bombard the entire surroundings from dayclean to the wee hours of morning, for days on end, regardless.

Mr Editor, it is high time that people come to realize that living in a civilized society means that one must conduct oneself in such a manner as not to annoy your neighbour.
Yours faithfully,
Randolph Joseph

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