Stabroek News

Appreciation for contributions to Essequibo health sector from US church

Dear Editor,
Many residents in Region 2 which stretches from Pomeroon to Supenaam join me in expressing our profound gratitude and appreciation for the significant contribution made in the district by the First United Methodist Church, Port Orange, Florida, USA. For the past four years, on an annual basis, representatives of the overseas based Church in collaboration with their local counterparts have conducted several medical clinics where medical supplies were also distributed. Some of the recipients were Charity Hospital, Queenstown Health Centre, Aurora Health Post, NOC Supenaam Health Centre and Cullen Methodist Church.

Several riverain communities with predominantly Amerindian families that also benefited were Kabakaburi, which also received water trestles; Hackney, Capoey, Tapakuma, Wakapoa and Mora Health Centres where a solar panel was installed.

All the local churches belonging to this body in the region were given a facelift by way of renovation and painting.

The regional hospital in Suddie was not left out of a donation of drugs for this year which was accepted by Medical Superintendent, Dr Narine Singh who thanked the Church for its generosity while looking forward to future contributions.
Yours faithfully,
Baliram Persaud

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