Stabroek News

GPSU deplores ‘beastly’ rape at Wismar hospital

The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) condemns the “beastly” act of rape committed upon one of its members at the Wismar hospital on Thursday and calls on the authorities to bring the perpetrator to swift justice.

In a press release the GPSU said the act was “gruesome, ghastly and inhumane” and further, it also condemns the criminal act of robbery committed against citizens and public officers.

The union also registered its revulsion at the rapist allegedly telling his victim, “you now dead” which suggests that he may be infected with a deadly STI and intended to transmit it to his victim. “This is a criminal act,” the union said, and urged the authorities “to institute appropriate amendments to the Criminal Law Offences Act to include the wilful transmission of HIV/AIDS and other [STIs] with appropriate punishment.”

The union said too Lindeners and all Guyanese should denounce these acts adding that the authorities must do everything within their power to ensure that justice is served. The GPSU stands committed and fully supports its members during this difficult time.

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