Dear Editor,
Winning a lottery or inheriting $60 million are two ways I would suggest to the Joint Services and the informant in the case involving the deceased ‘Fineman’ that they would be comfortable with, but to accept that amount for personal use would do them no good. I am referring to the KN report dated September 14, 2008, captioned ‘Infor-mant and Joint Services to share $60M.
Apart from the informant − we would never know if he/she exists − the Joint Services have a civic duty and responsibility to society at large, and a bounty on someone’s life should not be the motivator in performing those duties.
Every cent of that $60 million should be given to charities of their respective choice, or contributed towards the Ministry of Human Services’ campaign in assisting single parents, or ploughed into the education system for special schools. I think that there is such a school in Sophia, and along with St Barnabas on Regent Street these would be two good choices.
Yours faithfully,
T Pemberton