Unknown intruders broke into Singh’s Electronics on Regent Street early yesterday morning, escaping with some $3M in items that were in the store.
Stabroek News was reliably informed that the thieves gained entry through the side of the building and disabled the security system by cutting telephone wires. They even took the time disconnect the lights. The incident occurred sometime after 2 am.
While the bandits were in the building gathering their loot mostly from the display cases, a security guard at a nearby store became aware of what was transpiring and raised an alarm.
In their rush to escape, a briefcase containing some valuables was dropped, this newspaper understands.
This incident mirrors one committed on a city cambio earlier this month in which a safe was torched and $9M in local and foreign currency and a number of valuables stolen.
Between September 6 and 8, unknown persons broke into Mohammed’s Cambio at the corner of Regent and Hinck streets, after disabling the alarm system.